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Date of first publication : 2020-10-06
Category : Products

Revision : Nov 3rd, 2020 – see changes identified through orange text

Products discontinuation, changes regarding hand files sold as sterile blisters

A step further in the deployment of the new MicroMega product policy

As we communicated before, the merger with COLTENE implies major changes in MicroMega organisation with a strategic goal to refocuse all the activities to endodontic instruments, the specialties for which the company is renowned. Its century-old know-how is reinforced while keeping in sight excellence regarding products and customer service.

Today the historic brand is approaching a new aspect of the deployment of its product policy. Aging products, those showing a limited turnover rate, specific instruments linked to discontinued devices or related to activities transferred to other group entities, are entering their end of life. Some changes will be quickly applied to pre-sterilized hand files instruments, too.

All the products concerned by this rationalization process will no longer appear in the next 2021 price list.

Be sure that all the MicroMega team is fully aware of the difficulties this situation may create, so we invite you to carefully read this post, aimed at supporting you during the transition stage.

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    Get ready!
    The affected products will be available while stocks last.
    Changes related to hand files sold as sterile blisters will be applied on December 1st, 2020.


Main categories concerned by discontinuation

  • Consumables and specific instruments for discontinued devices or linked to the hygiene activity


  • Instruments with InGeT head and old-generation manual or rotary files


  • R-ENDO solution for retreatment


  • Hand files in sterile blisters


A downloadable list of discontinued part numbers and possible replacing ones is proposed for each category

Our advice: please try to anticipate your restocking process or get in touch with your usual contact should you have any question.

Consumables and specific instruments for discontinued devices or related to the hygiene activity

  • Hygiene activity – Lubrication


According to the announcement made at the beginning of this year, hygiene expertise is now exclusively managed by the SciCan entity within the COLTENE group. SciCan offers relevant alternatives to the X-Cid 2 automatic cleaning, disinfection and lubrication machine, no more marketed by MicroMega since March 31st, 2020.

At that same date, MicroMega definitively stopped the activities related to contra-angles and hand-pieces with the discontinuation of

  • Sonic Air MM1500
  • AX’S ENDO (contra-angle for endo)
  • ALTO SURGE (contra-angle for implantology and bone surgery)

Consequently, the associated lubrication products are phased-out.

The X-Cidol 2 and T-Cleanol detergent solutions for X-Cid 2 and its predecessor TurboCid respectively, are still available until further notice.

  • TSU oil for X-Cid 2 – equivalences are offered by SciCan, please get in touch with your usual contact
  • Universal oil spray for manual lubrication of contra-angles and coupling nozzle
  • 500i CO2 spray for X-Cid (first generation of X-Cid 2)

New : Scican oil may be used to replace TSU oil, see the corresponding part number in the updated list to be downloaded below. To be ordered directly to Scican. A compliance certificate may be sent on request, see instructions in the file below.

  • Instruments linked to discontinued devices



GIROMATIC has been the first contra-angle dedicated to the mechanical reaming of dental canals, using a patented reciprocating technique to drive specific endodontic instruments. Marketed in 1963, production stopped a few years ago, just like the 40-years old Sonic Air MM1500 and MECASONIC MM1400 systems.

These latter devices generated acoustic waves and conveyed them along special endodontic instruments to clean, shape and improve the disinfection. The specific consumable instruments for GIROMATIC and sonic devices are then becoming obsolete.

  • Instruments for Sonic Air MM1500 / MECASONIC MM1400

    • Shaping SHAPER / MECA-SHAPER
  • Instruments for GIROMATIC

    • Cleansers, RISPI, HELI-GIRO-FILES
    • Engine reamers

Old-generation root canal instruments

  • Rotary instruments for the obturation step



  • Pastinject
  • Spiral fillers
  • Finger Spreaders
  • Finger Pluggers
  • Instruments with InGeT head




InGeT (Integrated Gear Technology) is a specific coupling concept between a file and a contra-angle, with the incorporation of the driving gear into the rotary file itself.

Instruments with InGeT head will be deleted from the catalog and be replaced by the same instruments with a classic head.

  • Manual instruments





  • Square broaches
  • Smooth broaches
  • Reamers
  • ISO nerve broaches: equivalent products are suggested
  • RM hand file as part of the R-ENDO retreatment sequence
  • Flaring rotary instruments



EndoFlare is replaced by One Flare, a sterile and multiple use heat-treated NiTi flaring file.

One Flare is used at the beginning of the root canal treatment to eliminate axial coronal constraints though a brushing movement.

Thanks to T.Wire heat-treatment, One Flare is +50% more flexible than previous EndoFlare instrument.

  • Rotary instruments for glide path



All the G-Files are substituted by One G.

One G is a single-use and sterile NiTi rotary file working in continuous rotation for glide path development.

It is strongly indicated in case of canals difficult of access (narrow, highly mineralized canals or canals with strong curvatures), when hand files are not sufficient.

R-ENDO instruments dedicated to retreatment

R-Endo instrument sequence for retreatment is phased out.

To perform a retreatment, we recommend the use of the brand new Remover file to remove the filling material from the root canal, combined with an orifice opener and usual shaping files, according to the specified protocol.

Hand file instruments sold in sterile blisters

Changes will happen soon regarding hand files that are currently sold in sterile blisters:

  • 6 instruments rather than 5
  • Length 29 mm replaced by length 31 mm
  • Possibility to purchase blisters on a unitary basis

Dual Move and Dual Pex ``combo``

Purchasing Dual Move and Dual Pex as „combo“ is not possible anymore.

Devices are still available as separated kits.

Correction : the part number associated to the discontinued COMBO including the reciprocation enabled motor was wrong. Please download the corrected file below.

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