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Publishe on: 2020-09-25
Category : Process

Initiative to protect employees and manufacturing tools

An incentive seasonal flu vaccination campaign

Coltene MicroMega is reinforcing prevention efforts through a free seasonal flu vaccination campaign for all its employees.

COVID-19 symptoms are quite similar to the seasonal flu’s ones, so the company is focusing on anticipation by protecting the whole staff and consequently the continuity of the manufacturing site. Of course the final objective is clearly to go on meeting needs of dental healthcare professionals in the best conditions.

An original incentive method is offered to the employees, with a target of 50% of the workforce vaccinated before the winter period.

Mr Stéphane CLAUDE, deputy CEO for the French Coltene entity, is leading the example and tells you more at the microphone of France Bleu Besançon (in French).

Micro France Bleu © Radio France – France Bleu

Listen to the interview (in French only) broadcast on France Bleu Besançon on September 21st, 2020

The full written post made by the radio station is available in French only, THERE

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