One Curve & MM-Tooth
A video by Dr Filippo CARDINALI
Dr Tara Mc MAHON, Belgium - 1/3 Preoperative x-ray Apical periodontitis, tooth n°37
Dr Tara Mc MAHON, Belgium - 2/3 Peroperative x-ray Removal of the old restauration and the cavity. Working length (WL) determination.
Dr Tara Mc MAHON, Belgium - 3/3 Post-operative x-ray Mesial canals: One Curve is used up to the first curvature, rinse. Second wave with One Curve down to the apex. Distal canal: One Curve direct to the apex, NaOCl 5,25% then EDTA 17%, final rinse with NaOCl before obturation.
Pr K. BALTO, Saudi Arabia 1/3 Preoperative X-ray: tooth n°18 with irreversible pulpits and symptomatic apical periodontitis.
Pr K. BALTO, Saudi Arabia 2/3 Postoperative x-ray Glide path with One G, Preflaring with One flare, Shaping with One curve in three waves up to the apex.
Pr K. BALTO, Saudi Arabia 3/3 Postoperative x-ray Glide path with One G, Preflaring with One flare, Shaping with One curve in three waves up to the apex.